Return information about a state vector



vectorInfo =
vectorInfo =

Returns a structure with global information about a state vector.

variableInfo =

Returns a structure array with detailed information about every variable in the state vector.

variableInfo =

Returns a structure array with information about the specified variables in the state vector.

Input Arguments


logical vector | vector, linear indices | 0 | -1
The indices of the variables in the state vector for which to return information. If 0, returns global information about the state vector. If -1, returns information about every variable in the state vector.


string vector
The names of the variables in the state vector for which to return information.

Output Arguments


scalar struct
Information about the full state vector

.label (string scalar): The label of the state vector

.length (scalar integer): The number of state vector rows

.members (scalar integer): The number of built ensemble members associated with the state vector.

.variables (string vector): The names of the variables in the state vector

.coupled_variables (cell vector {string vector}): The sets of coupled variables

.finalized (scalar logical): Whether the state vector can no longer be edited

.serialized (scalar logical): Whether the state vector object is serialized


struct vector
Information about variables in the state vector.

.name (string scalar): The name of the variable in the state vector

.gridfile (string scalar): The absolute path to the .grid file associated with the variable

.length (scalar integer): The number of state vector elements for the variable

.dimension_names (string vector): The names of the dimensions in the variable

.state_dimensions (string vector): The names of the state dimensions for the variable

.ensemble_dimensions (string vector): The names of the ensemble dimensions for the variable

.dimensions (struct vector): Organizes design parameters for the variable’s dimensions. Has one element per dimension. Fields include the following: .name (string scalar): The name of the dimension .length (scalar integer): The number of state vector elements associated with the dimension .type (string scalar): Whether the dimension is a state or an ensemble dimension .state_indices (vector, linear indices): The state indices for the dimension. Empty if an ensemble dimension. .reference_indices (vector, linear indices): The reference indices for the dimension. Empty if a state dimension. .sequence (scalar struct | []): Sequence design parameters. Empty if not using a sequence. If using a sequence, a scalar struct with fields: .indices (vector, integers): The sequence indices .metadata (metadata matrix): Sequence metadata .metadata (scalar struct): Metadata options .type (string scalar): raw, alternate, or convert .values (metadata matrix): Alternate metadata values. Only includes this field when using alternate metadata. .function (scalar function handle): The conversion function. Only includes this field when using a conversion function. .args (cell row vector): Additional arguments for the conversion function. Only includes this field when using a conversion function with additional arguments. .mean (scalar struct): Mean design parameters .type (string scalar): none, standard, or weighted .nanflag (string scalar): “omitnan” or “includenan”. Only includes this field when taking a mean. .indices (vector, integers): Mean indices for ensemble dimensions. Only includes this field when taking a mean over an ensemble dimension. .weights (numeric vector): Weights for a weighted mean. Only includes this field when taking a weighted mean. .total (scalar struct): Sum total parameters .type (string scalar): none, standard, or weighted .nanflag (string scalar): “omitnan” or “includenan”. Only includes this field when taking a total. .indices (vector, integers): Total indices for ensemble dimensions. Only includes this field when taking a total over an ensemble dimension .weights (numeric vector): Weights for a weighted sum. Only includes this field when taking a weighted total

.coupled_variables (string vector): A list of variables that are coupled to the variable

.allow_overlap (scalar logical): Whether ensemble members for the variable are permitted to use overlapping information

.auto_couple (scalar logical): Whether the variable is automatically coupled to new variables in the state vector.