
Display stateVector object in console




Displays a stateVector object in the console. Begins display with a link to the stateVector documentation page. For a scalar stateVector object, lists the label and length, along with a list of variables and coupling status of the state vector. If the state vector contains 10 or less variables, displays the number of rows and dimensional properties associated with each variable. Also links to additional details for the variables. If there are more than 10 variables, provides a link to variable details. Also notes if the stateVector is serialized.

If a stateVector array, notes the size of the array. If empty, indicates that the array is empty. If any of the elements in the array are labeled, displays the labels of the array elements. Elements without labels are marked by “<no label>”.

obj.disp(true | ‘s’ | ‘show’)
obj.disp(false | ‘h’ | ‘hide’)

Indicate whether variables or not to display variables in the console.

Input Arguments


scalar logical | string scalar
Whether or not to display variables for the state vector.

[true|”s”|”show”]: Displays variables in the console

[false|”h”|”hide”]: Does not display variables in the console


Displays the contents of a stateVector object or array to the console