Catalogue and load gridded data sets
The gridfile class creates and manages gridfile objects. These objects catalogue metadata and data source files for a gridded dataset. The catalogue is stored in a file with a “.grid” extension.
A key function of gridfile is to provide an interface for loading data from data source files with diverse formatting. This interface allows the user to efficiently:
Load subsets of the catalogued data
Order the dimensions of loaded data
Apply linear or log transforms to loaded data, and
Perform simple arithmetic on large gridded datasets
Another function of gridfile is to associate all gridded data with dimensional metadata. This allows data to be accessed using human-readable metadata, rather than array indices.
The following is an outline for using the gridfile class.
Use the “new” command to initialize a new .grid file
Use “add” to add data source file to the gridfile’s catalogue
Use “fillValue”, “validRange”, and “transform” to apply data transformations when data is loaded from the source files
Use the output of the “metadata” command to locate interesting subsets of the catalogued data.
Use “load” to load data subsets in customizable dimension orders.
Use “plus”, “minus”, “times”, or “divide” to implement arithmetic across multiple data catalogues.
The class also includes many methods for accessing and editing metadata, which are summarized in the methods list.
Key Methods
The following methods are the most essential methods for users.
All User Methods
The complete list of gridfile methods for users.
Metadata Attributes
Data Sources
Data Adjustments
Return Information
Print Information
Utility Methods
Under-the-hood methods that help the class run. These are not intended for users, and do not implement error checking on their inputs.