
Display gridfile object in console




Displays the contents of a gridfile object to the console. Begins display with a link to the gridfile documentation page. If the object is scalar, prints the .grid file name, dimensions, dimension sizes, and (when printable) the limits of dimensional metadata. Prints metadata attributes if they exist. If there are data sources, prints the number of data sources and links to a display of all the data source file names.

If the object is an array, includes the size of the array in the display. Instead of gridfile details, prints the name of the .grid file for each element in the array. If a gridfile array is empty, prints the size of the empty array and notes that the array is empty.

If the object is a scalar, deleted gridfile, reports that the gridfile was deleted. Does not print gridfile details. If a gridfile array contains deleted gridfile objects, notes that the array contains deleted elements. The file name of deleted elements is reported as <missing>.

If the .grid file for a scalar object is no longer valid, reports that the object has a invalid .grid file. Displays the name of the file and nothing else. If an element of a gridfile array has an invalid .grid file, lists the name of the file as usual.

disp(obj, showSources)

Indicate whether to display the gridfile data sources in the console. Default is to not display data sources. This setting only affects the display of scalar gridfile objects.

Input Arguments


scalar logical | string scalar
Whether or not to display data sources of scalar gridfile objects.

[false|”h”|”hide”]: (default) Does not display data sources

[true|”s”|”show”]: Displays data sources.


Displays the contents of a gridfile object or array in the console.