Utilities for the DASH toolbox
This package contains various utilities that help the DASH toolbox run. Most of the contents here are “under-the-hood” functions, but there are a few contents that may be useful to users. In particular, we think users may be interested in:
dash.doc - The function that opens the documentation browser
dash.closest - Can help users locate points close to specific coordinates
dash.localize - Functions that calculate covariance localization weights
dash.version - Reports the current version of the DASH toolbox.
Alternatively, see the “Documentation” and “Miscellaneous” sections below for user functions.
closest - Functions that find points closest to specified coordinates
localize - Functions that calculation covariance localization weights
Input Utilities
is - Functions that test whether an input is a particular type
assert - Functions that throw errors when an input does not match required criteria
parse - Functions that parse user inputs
Data Specific Utilities
indices - Functions that manipulate array indices
string - Functions that manipulate strings
file - Functions that facilitate file manipulation
math - Functions that implement mathematical equations
kalman - Functions that implement the Kalman Filter equation
Console Notifications
dataSource - Classes that read data from source files
gridfileSources - A class to manage gridfile data source catalogues
stateVectorVariable - Implements a variable in a state vector
ensembleFilter - A class that implement common operations for Kalman and particle filters
posteriorCalculation - Classes that perform calculations on Kalman Filter posterior deviations
tests - Implement unit tests for functions, classes, and sub-packages in the dash utility package
testToolbox - Implement unit tests for all components of the DASH toolbox