Coding 3


Use gridfile to create a data catalogue for climate proxy records.

Step 1: Create a .grid file

Use the command to create a new, empty gridfile. The syntax of the command is as follows:

grid =, metadata)

The first input is a string listing the name of the new .grid file. If the file name does not end in a .grid extension, DASH adds the extension automatically. The file name may be an absolute or relative path - relative paths are interpreted relative to the current directory.


The second input is a gridMetadata object that defines the scope of the gridfile object’s N-dimensional grid. If your dataset spans multiple data source files, then this metadata should span the values for all those files.


The output is a gridfile object for the new .grid file. We can use this output to add data source files to the catalogue, load values from the dataset, and implement other tasks.

By default, the new command will not overwrite an existing gridfile. However, you can use the optional third argument to alter this behavior. Set it to true to enable overwriting:

grid =, metadata, true)

As a reminder, the demo proxy dataset consists of 54 proxy records that span most of Common Era at annual resolution. We previously showed how to build a gridMetadata object for this dataset:

% Load metadata fields from the proxy records file
contents = load('ntrend.mat');
IDs = contents.IDs;
lats = contents.latitudes;
lons = contents.longitudes;
years = contents.years;
seasons = contents.seasons;

% Combine IDs, lats, and lons into "site" metadata
site = [IDs, lats, lons, seasons];

% Create the metadata object
proxyMetadata = gridMetadata('site', site, 'time', years);

% Add metadata attributes
name = 'site_metadata_columns';
columns = ["ID", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Season"];
proxyMetadata = proxyMetadata.addAttributes(name, columns);

Now, we’ll use the metadata object to define the scope of a new .grid file that will catalogue the proxy database. Here, we’ll name the new file ntrend.grid:

% Initialize a new .grid file
filename = "ntrend.grid";
proxies =, proxyMetadata);

We can inspect the new gridfile object in the console to verify that it manages the expected data catalogue:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/ntrend.grid
  Dimensions: site, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site:   54
      time: 1262    (750 to 2011)

      site_metadata_columns: ["ID"    "Latitude"    "Longitude"    "Season"]

  Data Sources: 0

Here we can see that the .grid file matches our expectations and catalogues a dataset with 54 proxy sites, and 1262 time steps (ranging from 750 CE to 2011 CE). We can also see that the new catalogue does not have any data source files associated with it yet.

Next, we’ll create a gridfile for the climate model output. We previously showed how to build a metadata object for this dataset:

% Use NetCDF metadata for lat and lon
file = '';
lat = ncread(file, 'lat');
lon = ncread(file, 'lon');

% Create time metadata
time = datetime(850,1,1) : calmonths(1) : datetime(2005,12,1);
time = time';

% Create the metadata object
modelMetadata = gridMetadata('lat', lat, 'lon', lon, 'time', time);

% Add Attributes
modelMetadata = modelMetadata.addAttributes("Model", "CESM 1.0", "raw_units", "Kelvin");

Now, we’ll use the metadata object to define the scope of a new .grid file that will catalogue the output temperature field from the climate model. Here, we’ll name the new file temperature-cesm.grid:

file = "temperature-cesm";
grid =, modelMetadata);

We can inspect the new gridfile in the console to check that it matches our expectations:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/temperature-cesm.grid
  Dimensions: lon, lat, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
       lon:   144    (          0 to 357.5      )
       lat:    96    (        -90 to 90         )
      time: 13872    (01-Jan-0850 to 01-Dec-2005)

          Model: "CESM 1.0"
      raw_units: "Kelvin"

  Data Sources: 0

Here we can see that the .grid file matches our expectations and catalogues a dataset for a global temperature field that ranges from 850-2005 CE. We can also see that the new catalogue does not have any data source files associated with it yet.

Here, we’ll create a gridfile data catalogue for our proxy records. We previously discussed how to build a metadata object for this dataset:

% Load the metadata
contents = load('UK37.mat');
IDs = contents.ID;
lats =;
lons = contents.lon;
time = contents.time;

% Combine IDs, lats, and lons into "site" metadata
site = [IDs, lats, lons];

% Create the metadata object
proxyMetadata = gridMetadata('site', site, 'time', time);
proxyMetadata = proxyMetadata.addAttributes("time_units", "ka", "type", "UK'37", ...
                         'site_metadata_columns', ["ID","Latitude","Longitude"]);

We’ll use this metadata to define the scope of a new .grid file that will catalogue these proxy records. We’ll name the new file UK37.grid:

file = 'UK37.grid';
grid =, proxyMetadata)
gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/UK37.grid
  Dimensions: site, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site: 89
      time:  1

                 time_units: "ka"
                       type: "UK'37"
      site_metadata_columns: ["ID"    "Latitude"    "Longitude"]

  Data Sources: 0

We can see that the file UK37.grid manages a data catalogue for the 89 proxy sites during a single time step.

Here, we’ll create a gridfile data catalogue for the climate model output. We previously discussed how to create a metadata object for this data set:

% Get the file metadata
contents = load('SST.mat');
lat =;
lon = contents.lon;
time = contents.month;
run =;

% Reshape tripolar metadata
site = [lat(:), lon(:)];

% Build metadata object
modelMetadata = gridMetadata('site', site, 'time', time, 'run', run)

% Add attributes
model = "iCESM";
units = "Celsius";
time = "18-21 ka";
columns = ["Latitude", "Longitude"];
modelMetadata = modelMetadata.addAttributes("Model", model, "Units", units, ...
    "time_span", time, "site_metadata_columns", columns);

We’ll use this metadata to define the scope of a new gridfile for the climate model output. We’ll name the new file SST.grid:

file = "SST";
grid =, modelMetadata)
gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/SST.grid
  Dimensions: site, time, run

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site: 122880
      time:     12    (Jan to Dec)
       run:     16    (  1 to 16 )

                      Model: "iCESM"
                      Units: "Celsius"
                  time_span: "18-21 ka"
      site_metadata_columns: ["Latitude"    "Longitude"]

  Data Sources: 0

Here, we can see that the new file manages a data catalogue for 122880 spatial sites. The catalogue includes data for 12 monthly climatologies, and data from 16 climate model runs. We can also see that the new file does not yet have any data sources associated with it.

Step 2: Load existing gridfile

Since they are saved to file, you can reuse .grid catalogues between different coding sessions. Use the gridfile command to return a gridfile object for an existing .grid file:

grid = gridfile(filename)

Here, the input filename is the name of a .grid file on your machine. As before, the filename may be either an absolute path, or a file on the active path. The output, grid, is the gridfile object for the existing .grid file.

Try using the gridfile command on your new .grid file. The output gridfile object should match the object produced by the command.

We can use the gridfile command to return a gridfile object for our new proxy dataset. Here, we’ll call the command on the new ntrend.grid file:

filename = "ntrend.grid";
proxies = gridfile(filename);

We can inspect the new gridfile in the console to verify that it matches our expectations:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/ntrend.grid
  Dimensions: site, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site:   54
      time: 1262    (750 to 2011)

      site_metadata_columns: ["ID"    "Latitude"    "Longitude"    "Season"]

  Data Sources: 0

We can use the gridfile command to load a gridfile object for our climate model dataset:

grid = gridfile('SST');

We can inspect the output gridfile object to ensure that it matches our expectations:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/SST.grid
  Dimensions: site, time, run

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site: 122880
      time:     12    (Jan to Dec)
       run:     16    (  1 to 16 )

                      Model: "iCESM"
                      Units: "Celsius"
                  time_span: "18-21 ka"
      site_metadata_columns: ["Latitude"    "Longitude"]

  Data Sources: 0

Step 3: Add data sources

After creating a .grid file, you can add data source files to the catalogue using the gridfile.add command. The basic syntax is:

obj.add(type, filename, ...)

or alternatively:

obj.add(type, opendapURL, ...)

for files accessed via OPeNDAP.


The first input is a string that indicates the type of file being added to the catalogue. The following options are supported:

"netcdf" or "nc": A NetCDF file
"mat": A MAT-file
"text" or "txt": A delimited text file (such as a .csv file)
filename / opendapURL

The second input is the name of the data source file. As before, you may either use an absolute path, or the name of a file on the active path. If using OPeNDAP, then the second input should be the full OPeNDAP URL used to access the file.

The add command requires at least 4 inputs, and the first two are always the file type, and the file name/OPeNDAP URL. However, the remaining inputs will vary depending on the type of file being added to the catalogue. The syntaxes for different file formats are described below.

Delimited text files

Delimited text files are treated as a data matrix when added to a .grid catalogue. Each new line is a row of the matrix, and each delimiter indicates a new column. The base syntax for delimited text files is:

obj.add("text", filename, dimensions, metadata)

This input is a string vector with two elements. The first element lists the name of the gridfile dimension associated with the rows of the matrix, and the second element is the dimension associated with the columns.


The dimensions of a proxy dataset are often "site" and "time". The order of these dimensions will vary with the structure of your text file.


This input is another gridMetadata object. This metadata object should list the metadata values associated with the data in the file. The metadata should include values for every dimension in the .grid catalgoue. If the proxy dataset is stored as a single data array in a single file, then metadata will be the same metadata object used to create the .grid file. If the file holds a subset of the full proxy dataset, then metadata should only have the metadata for those records.


You can use the gridfile.metadata command to return the metadata object for a .grid catalogue.


You can use gridMetadata.index to isolate the metadata for specific data files.

The gridfile class also supports any options used by Matlab’s readmatrix command when reading data from a text file. These options should be specified after the first four inputs. For example:

obj.add("text", filename, dimensions, metadata, ...
        'NumHeaderLines', 3, 'Delimiter', '|');

indicates that the first 3 lines of the text file should be skipped when reading data, and that the | character should be used as a delimiter. See the documentation of the readmatrix function for a complete list of options.

NetCDF and MAT-files

The syntax for NetCDF and MAT-files is:

obj.add(type, filename, variable, dimensions, metadata);

This input is a string listing the name of the variable in the source file that holds the relevant data.


As with text files, the dimensions input is a string vector that list the names of the gridfile dimensions for the variable. Unlike text files, variables in NetCDF and MAT-files may store N-dimensional arrays, so the dimensions input may have more than 2 dimensions. The input should list each dimension of the variable, in the order they occur.


This input behaves similarly as for text files. Essentially, it is a gridMetadata object that describes the scope of the data stored in the file variable. Again, we note that if the proxy dataset is stored as a single data array in a single file, then metadata will be the same metadata object used to create the .grid file. If the file holds a subset of the full proxy dataset, then metadata should only have the metadata for those records.


You can use the gridfile.metadata command to return the metadata object for a .grid catalogue.


You can use gridMetadata.index to isolate the metadata for specific data files.

The proxy dataset for the demo is stored in the MAT-file ntrend.mat. The dataset is located in the crn variable, which has dimensions of (time x site). In this example, the entire proxy dataset is located in the crn variable. Thus, we can reuse the metadata for the .grid file as the metadata for the data source file:

% Get the gridfile and its metadata
proxies = gridfile('ntrend.grid');
metadata = proxies.metadata;

% Add the data source file
file = "ntrend.mat";
variable = "crn";
dimensions = ["time", "site"];
proxies.add("mat", file, variable, dimensions, metadata)

Inspecting the gridfile in the console:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/ntrend.grid
  Dimensions: site, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site:   54
      time: 1262    (750 to 2011)

      site_metadata_columns: ["ID"    "Latitude"    "Longitude"    "Season"]

  Data Sources: 1

Show data sources

      1. path/to/tutorial/demos/ntrend.mat   Show details

we can see that the catalogue now includes the ntrend.mat data source file.

The temperature output from the climate model is located in two NetCDF files. In both files, the associated temperature data is stored in a variable named TREFHT. The TREFHT variable is organized as (lon x lat x time). The first file contains outputs from 850 CE to 1849 CE (the pre-industrial period), and the second file contains temperatures from 1850 CE to 2005 CE (post-industrial). We will use the gridMetadata.index command to return the metadata for each data source file, and then catalogue the file:

% Get the output files, variable name, and dimensions
file1 = '';
file2 = '';
variable = "TREFHT";
dimensions = ["lon", "lat", "time"];

% Get the gridfile and its metadata
temperature = gridfile('temperature-cesm.grid');
metadata = temperature.metadata;

% Get the metadata for the first file and add to the catalogue
preindustrial = year(metadata.time) < 1850;
metadata1 = metadata.index('time', preindustrial);
temperature.add('netcdf', file1, variable, dimensions, metadata1);

% Get metadata for the second file and add to the catalogue
postindustrial = year(metadata.time) >= 1850;
metadata2 = metadata.index('time', postindustrial);
temperature.add('netcdf', file2, variable, dimensions, metadata2);

Examining the gridfile:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/temperature-cesm.grid
  Dimensions: lon, lat, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
       lon:   144    (          0 to 357.5      )
       lat:    96    (        -90 to 90         )
      time: 13872    (01-Jan-0850 to 01-Dec-2005)

          Model: "CESM 1.0"
      raw_units: "Kelvin"

  Data Sources: 2

Show data sources

      1. path/to/tutorial/demos/   Show details
      2. path/to/tutorial/demos/   Show details

we can see it now catalogues data for the two NetCDF data sources.

The proxy dataset for the demo is stored in the MAT-file UK37.mat. The dataset is located in the Y variable, which has dimensions of (time x site). In this example, the entire proxy dataset is located in the Y variable. Thus, we can reuse the metadata for the .grid file as the metadata for the data source file:

% Get the gridfile and its metadata
proxies = gridfile('UK37.grid');
metadata = proxies.metadata;

% Add the data source file
file = "UK37.mat";
variable = "Y";
dimensions = ["time", "site"];
proxies.add("mat", file, variable, dimensions, metadata)

Inspecting the gridfile in the console:

gridfile with properties:

        File: C:/Users/jonki/Documents/Hackathon/demos/tutorial/UK37.grid
  Dimensions: site, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site: 89
      time:  1

                 time_units: "ka"
                       type: "UK'37"
      site_metadata_columns: ["ID"    "Latitude"    "Longitude"]

  Data Sources: 1

Show data sources

      1. C:/Users/jonki/Documents/Hackathon/demos/tutorial/UK37.mat   Show details

we can see it now catalogues data in the UK37.mat data source file.

Aside: Merging Dimensions

In some cases, the data in a data source file may have more dimensions than the gridfile. This can occur when two or more dimensions of the raw data are combined into a single dimension in DASH.

This situation is common when working with tripolar model output. As mentioned, tripolar output describes a collection of unique spatial sites, but the output is often reported on a “latitude x longitude” array. In the demos, we saw that we could create a metadata object for a tripolar field by combining the latitude and longitude metadata into a single site dimension.

When such a situation occurs, you will need to indicate which dimensions of the raw data are being combined into a single dimension. We will refer to this process as merging dimensions. You can use the dimensions input of the gridfile.add command to merge dimensions. To do so, use the name of the new dimension for each of the raw, merged dimensions in the list. Continuing the tripolar example, you would use "site" as the name of the dimension for both the "lat" and "lon" dimensions of the raw data.

The climate model output is stored in the file SST.mat in the SST variable. This variable has dimensions of (lat x lon x time x run), but we want to merge the lat and lon dimension into a single site dimension. In this example, the entire climate model output is located in the SST.mat file, so we can reuse the metadata for the entire gridfile as the metadata object for the file:

% Get the gridfile and its metadata
sst = gridfile('SST');
metadata = sst.metadata;

% Add the data source file
file = "SST.mat";
variable = "SST";
dimensions = ["site", "site", "time", "run"];
sst.add("mat", file, variable, dimensions, metadata);

Inspecting the gridfile:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/tutorial/demos/SST.grid
  Dimensions: site, time, run

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
      site: 122880
      time:     12    (Jan to Dec)
       run:     16    (  1 to 16 )

                      Model: "iCESM"
                      Units: "Celsius"
                  time_span: "18-21 ka"
      site_metadata_columns: ["Latitude"    "Longitude"]

  Data Sources: 1

Show data sources

      1. path/to/tutorial/demos/SST.mat   Show details

we can see the catalogue now uses SST.mat as a data source file.

Step 4: Data adjustments

Now we’ll specify any adjustments that need to be made to our dataset. The gridfile class supports 3 main data adjustments - fill values, valid ranges, and data transformations.

Fill value

You can use gridfile.fillValue to specify a fill value for the catalogue. When data is loaded from the catalogue, any values matching the fill value are converted to NaN. The syntax for the command is:


where value is the desired fill value. This syntax applies a common fill value to all data sources in the gridfile. Alternatively, you can apply a fill value to specific data sources using:

obj.fillValue(value, sources)

where sources is the name or index of a data source file in the .grid catalogue.


Use the gridfile.sources command to return the list of data source files for a .grid file.

Valid Range

You can use gridfile.validRange to specify a valid data range for the catalogue. When data is loaded, any values outside this range are converted to NaN. The syntax is:


where range is the desired range. The range input should be a vector with two elements - the first element is the lower bound of the range, and the second element in the upper bound.

This syntax applies a common valid range to all data sources in the catalogue. Alternatively, you can apply a valid range to specific data sources using:

obj.validRange(range, sources)

where sources is the name or index of a data source file in the .grid catalogue.


Use the gridfile.sources command to return the list of data source files for a .grid file.


You can use gridfile.transform to apply a mathematical transformation to data loaded from the catalogue. gridfile currently supports the following transformations:

Addition: A + X
Multiplication: A * X
Linear transform: A + B * X
Exponential: exp(X)
Power: X^A
Natural log: ln(X)
Base-10 log: log10(X)

The syntax for the command is:

obj.transform(type, parameters)

where type is a string that lists the type of transformation. Recognized types are as follows:

Addition: "add" or "plus" or "+"
Multiplication: "times" or "multiply" or "*"
Linear: "linear"
Exponential: "exp"
Power: "power"
Natural Log: "ln" or "log"
Base-10 Log: "log10"

The second input, parameters, includes any mathematical parameters needed to implement the transformation. See dash.doc('gridfile.transform') for details. If a transformation does not require any parameters, you can either neglect the second input, or use an empty array.

The previous syntax will apply a common data transformation to all data sources in a catalogue. Alternatively, you can use:

obj.transform(type, parameters, sources)

to apply different transformations to specific data source files.


The gridfile.addAttributes command can be useful for recording changes to the units of a data catalogue.

In the demo, the proxy dataset (located in the crn variable of ntrend.mat) uses a -999 fill value to indicate missing values. We’ll add this fill value to the catalogue so that -999 values are converted to NaN upon load:

proxies = gridfile("ntrend.grid");

Inspecting the gridfile:

proxies =

  gridfile with properties:

          File: C:/Users/jonki/Documents/Hackathon/demo/ntrend.grid
    Dimensions: site, time

    Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
        site:   54
        time: 1262    (750 to 2011)

    Fill Value: -999.000000

    Data Sources: 1

we can see it now implements a -999 fill value.

In the demo, our climate model temperature output is provided in units of Kelvin. However, we’d prefer to use units of Celsius, so we’ll apply a data transformation to convert Kelvin to Celsius:

% Add the data conversion
temperature = gridfile("temperature-cesm.grid");
temperature.transform("plus", -273.15);

% Note the conversion in the metadata attributes
temperature.addAttributes("converted_units", "Celsius");

Examining the gridfile:

gridfile with properties:

        File: path/to/Hackathon/demo/temperature-cesm.grid
  Dimensions: lon, lat, time

  Dimension Sizes and Metadata:
       lon:   144    (          0 to 357.5      )
       lat:    96    (        -90 to 90         )
      time: 13872    (15-Jan-0850 to 15-Dec-2005)

                Units: "Kelvin"
                Model: "CESM 1.0"
      converted_units: "Celsius"

  Transform: X + -273.150000

  Data Sources: 2

we can see that loaded values will be converted from Kelvin to Celsius.

Step 5: Load data

Load entire catalogue

Now let’s take a look at the load command, which is used to load data from a catalogue. The most basic syntax is:

[X, metadata] = obj.load

which loads the entire data catalogue. Here, the X output is the loaded data array for the entire catalogue. The metadata output is a gridMetadata object for the loaded data array.

We can load the entire proxy dataset using:

proxies = gridfile('ntrend');
[X, metadata] = proxies.load;

Inspecting the output:

ans =

          54        1262

we can see that X is a matrix with 54 rows (proxy sites), and 1262 columns (time steps). The metadata for these dimensions is provided in the metadata output:

gridMetadata with metadata:

  site: [54×4 string]
  time: [1262×1 double]

We can load the entire proxy dataset using:

proxies = gridfile('UK37');
[Y, metadata] = proxies.load;

Inspecting the output:

siz = size(Y)
siz =
    89     1

we can see that Y is a matrix with 89 rows (proxy sites), and one column (time step). The metadata for these dimensions is provided in the metadata output:

gridMetadata with metadata:

        site: [89×3 string]
        time: [18.001 21]
  attributes: [1×1 struct]

Custom dimension order

It’s often useful to load data in a specific dimension order. You can specify the order of dimensions of the loaded data using the first input:

[X, metadata] = obj.load(dimensions)

Here, dimensions is a string vector that lists a requested order for loaded dimensions.

Try loading your proxy dataset with a different dimension order.


You don’t need to list the name of every dimension in a .grid catalogue. Any unlisted data dimensions are automatically grouped at the end of the listed dimensions.

In the previous demo, we saw that the data loaded as a (site x time) matrix. Let’s instead load the data as a (time x site) matrix. We’ll indicate the requested order as the first input:

dimensions = ["time", "site"];
[X, metadata] = obj.load(dimensions);

Inspecting the output:

ans =

    1262          54

we can see that X is now a matrix with 1262 rows (time steps) and 54 columns (proxy sites). Note that the order of dimensions in the metadata object has likewise changed:

gridMetadata with metadata:

  time: [1262×1 double]
  site: [54×4 string]

Data subsets

Often, we’ll only want to load a subset of the data in a catalogue. You can request a subset of data along a dimension using the second input:

[X, metadata] = obj.load(dimensions, indices)

Here, indices is a cell vector with one element per listed dimension. Each element holds the requested indices along that data dimension. Loaded data will match the order of requested indices. This syntax will also load data in the listed dimension order. If you want to include a dimension in the custom order, but don’t want to load a subset of that dimension, use an empty array for the dimension’s indices.


Although you can specify data indices directly, we strongly recommend using metadata to select indices. This keeps your code more readable.

Let’s start by loading data for proxy sites NTR (site 1), TYR (site 19), and WRAx (site 3). Let’s limit the data for these sites to the years 1970-1980 CE (time steps 1221-1231). Although we could select these indices directly:

dimensions = [  "site", "time"];
indices    = {[1 19 3],  1221:1231};
[X, metadata] = proxies.load(dimensions, indices);

this is poor practice because the code does not clearly indicate what data is being loaded. Instead, we should select the indices using the gridfile’s metadata:

% Get the metadata for the catalogue
meta = proxies.metadata;

% Locate the requested sites
sites = ["NTR", "TYR", "WRAx"];
siteNames =,1);
[~, siteIndices] = ismember(sites, siteNames);

% Locate the requested time steps
times = 1970:1980;
timeIndices = ismember(meta.time, times);

% Load the data
dimensions = ["site", "time"];
indices = {siteIndices, timeIndices};
[X, metadata] = proxies.load(dimensions, indices);

Inspecting the output:

ans =

     3    11

we can see that X is a matrix with 3 rows (proxy sites), and 11 columns (time steps). Investigating the returned metadata, we can see that the metadata describes a dataset with 3 proxy-site rows, and 11 time-step columns:

gridMetadata with metadata:

  site: [3x4 string]
  time: [11x1 double]

The three rows correspond to sites NTR, TYR, and WRAx (in that order):,1)
ans =


And the columns correspond to the years from 1970-1980 CE:

ans =


Now let’s suppose that we want to load all time steps for the three proxy sites, and that we want the loaded data matrix to have dimensions of (time x site). Here, we can use an empty array to load all elements along the time dimension:

dimensions = ["time", "site"];
indices    = {[], siteIndices};
[X, metadata] = proxies.load(dimensions, indices);

Inspecting the output:

ans =

        1262           3

we can see that X is a (time x site) matrix with values in all 1262 time steps for the three proxy sites. We can use the returned metadata to verify the loaded data is (time x site):

gridMetadata with metadata:

  time: [1262x1 double]
  site: [3x4 string]

and that the loaded data covers the years from 750-2011 CE:

ans =


Full Demo

This section recaps all the essential code from the demos. You can use it as a quick reference:

% Load metadata for the proxy dataset
proxyFile = "ntrend.mat";
info = load(proxyFile, 'IDs', 'latitudes', 'longitudes', 'seasons', 'years');

% Build a gridMetadata object
site = [info.IDs, info.latitudes, info.longitudes, info.seasons];
time = info.years;
metadata = gridMetadata('site', site, 'time', time);

% Initialize a new .grid file
filename = "ntrend.grid";
proxies =, metadata);

% Add the data source file
variable = "crn";
dimensions = ["time", "site"];
proxies.add("mat", proxyFile, variable, dimensions, metadata)

% Implement a fill value

% Load a subset of the catalogue in a specific dimension order
% (all proxy sites in time steps after 1950 CE)
order = ["time", "site"];
times = metadata.time > 1950;
[X, metadata] = proxies.load(order, {times, []});
% Get the output files
outputFile1 = '';
outputFile2 = '';

% Define metadata that spans the climate model output dataset
lat = ncread(outputFile1, 'lat');
lon = ncread(outputFile1, 'lon');
time = datetime(850,1,15):calmonths(1):datetime(2005,12,15);

% Create a metadata object
metadata = gridMetadata("lat", lat, "lon", lon, "time", time');
metadata = metadata.addAttributes("raw_units", "Kelvin", "Model", "CESM 1.0");

% Use the metadata to initialize a new gridfile catalogue
file = "temperature-cesm.grid";
temperature =, metadata);

% Get the name and dimensions of the data variable in the output files
variable = "TREFHT";
dimensions = ["lon", "lat", "time"];

% Add the first output file to the catalogue
preindustrial = year(metadata.time) < 1850;
metadata1 = metadata.index('time', preindustrial)
temperature.add('netcdf', outputFile1, variable, dimensions, metadata1);

% Get metadata for the second file and add to the catalogue
postindustrial = year(metadata.time) >= 1850;
metadata2 = metadata.index('time', postindustrial);
temperature.add('netcdf', outputFile2, variable, dimensions, metadata2);

% Apply a conversion from Kelvin to Celsius. Record the conversion
temperature.transform('plus', -273.15);
temperature.addAttributes('converted_units', 'Celsius');

% Load a subset of the catalogue
% (Northern Hemisphere, pre-1850 in a time x lon x lat order)
nh = > 0;
preindustrial = year(metadata.time) < 1850;
order = ["time", "lon", "lat"];
indices = {preindustrial, [], nh};
[X, metadata] = temperature.load(order, indices);
% Load the metadata
contents = load('UK37.mat');
IDs = contents.ID;
lats =;
lons = contents.lon;
time = contents.time;

% Combine IDs, lats, and lons into "site" metadata
site = [IDs, lats, lons];

% Create the metadata object
proxyMetadata = gridMetadata('site', site, 'time', time);
proxyMetadata = proxyMetadata.addAttributes("time_units", "ka", "type", "UK'37", ...
                         'site_metadata_columns', ["ID","Latitude","Longitude"]);

% Initialize a new gridfile
file = 'UK37.grid';
proxies =, proxyMetadata);

% Add data source file
file = "UK37.mat";
variable = "Y";
dimensions = ["time", "site"];
metadata = proxies.metadata;
proxies.add("mat", file, variable, dimensions, metadata);

% Load the catalogue
[X, metadata] = proxies.load;
% Get the file metadata
contents = load('SST.mat');
lat =;
lon = contents.lon;
time = contents.month;
run =;

% Reshape tripolar metadata
site = [lat(:), lon(:)];

% Build metadata object
metadata = gridMetadata('site', site, 'time', time, 'run', run)
metadata = metadata.addAttributes("Model", "iCESM", "Units", ...
    "Celsius", "time_span", "18-21 ka", "site_metadata_columns", ["Latitude", "Longitude"]);

% Initialize a new gridfile
file = "SST.grid";
sst =, metadata);

% Add data source file
file = "SST.mat";
variable = "SST";
dimensions = ["site","site","time","run"];
sst.add("mat", file, variable, dimensions, metadata);

% Load the catalogue
[SST, metadata] = sst.load;