Coding 7


Use the PSM interface to generate proxy estimates.

Step 1: Download Models

You can use the command to download any external forward model codes from Github. The syntax is:

where modelName is the name of a forward model recognized by DASH. (You can use the PSM.supported or command to see the forward model names recognized by DASH). This command will download the codebase for the model to the current directory. You can also use the optional second input to download the model to a custom path:, path)

The download command will add the downloaded code to the active Matlab path so that the code is accessible to DASH. If you close Matlab and begin a new coding session, you will need to re-add the downloaded code to your path.

The download command requires that you have (1) an internet connection, and (2) git installed on your operating system. If you don’t have git installed, you can use the PSM.githubInfo command to find the location of supported forward models on Github.

In this demo, we’ll be using the multi-variate linear forward model. The linear model is built-in directly to DASH, so we won’t need to download anything. If you still want to practice using the command, see the LGM demo for an example using the BaySPLINE forward model.

For this demo, we’ll need to download the BaySPLINE UK’37 forward model. Using the command:
    Name                                     Description                                  Can_Estimate_R
___________    ______________________________________________________________________    ______________

"bayfox"       "Bayesian model for d18Oc of planktic foraminifera"                           true
"baymag"       "Bayesian model for Mg/Ca of planktic foraminifera"                           true
"bayspar"      "Baysian model for TEX86"                                                     true
"bayspline"    "Baysian model for UK'37"                                                     true
"linear"       "General linear model of form:  Y = Y = a1*X1 + a2*X2 + ... an*Xn + b"        false
"vslite"       "Vaganov-Shashkin Lite tree ring model"                                       false

we can see that DASH uses the name bayspline to identify this model. Try using the download command:"vslite")

to download the code for this forward model. After running the command, your current directory should contain a folder named BAYSPLINE, which holds the code for the forward model.

Step 2: Create PSM Objects

Next, we’ll need to create a PSM object for each our proxy records. To create a PSM object for a particular forward model, use:

obj = PSM.<model name>

where <model name> is the name of a supported forward model. For example, the PSM.linear command creates a linear forward model object, and PSM.bayspar creates a BaySPAR forward model object. We’ll refer to this command as the constructor for a given forward model. The inputs to the constructor are the parameters required to run the forward model for a particular proxy site. For example, the parameters of the linear forward model are the slopes and intercept of the linear model, and the parameters for the BaySPAR model are the latitude and longitude of the proxy site.

Since every model has different parameters, you should read the documentation of the constructor to determine its inputs. For example:

help PSM.linear
% or

The DASH documentation should include a description of all required parameters, but you may find additional details in the forward model’s official documentation. As a general rule, you should be familiar with a forward model prior to using it in DASH.

When building PSM objects for a group of proxies, it’s typically best to organize the collection of PSM objects in a cell vector. Each element of the cell vector should hold the PSM object for a particular proxy record. Consider using the PSM.label command to apply labels to the PSM objects, as this can help clarify what each model represents.

In the demo, we’ll be using univariate linear forward models for the proxy records. Each forward model should be calibrated to the seasonal temperature mean for the associated proxy. Each proxy has a unique window of seasonal sensitivity, so the months used in the seasonal means will vary with the proxies. The slopes to use for the forward models are stored in the ntrend.mat file (these slopes were calculated by calibrating the proxy records against instrumental seasonal means).

Recall that the T_monthly variable stores the data required to run these forward models. We applied a sequence to T_monthly so that it stores data from each month in a given year. To run a given forward model, we’ll want to locate the climate model grid point closest to the associated proxy record, extract the months of seasonal sensitivity, take the mean temperature over those months, and then apply a linear slope to that mean temperature. Since we’re using a linear model, we can combine the last two steps into one. Specifically, we can divide the linear slope by the number of seasonally sensitive months (i.e. implementing a mean) and apply that slope to the temperature in each sensitive month.

Reading the documentation of the linear constructor:

help PSM.linear

we can see that function requires the linear slopes as input. In following code, we’ll create a linear PSM object for each of the 54 proxy records. We’ll label each object with both the name of the proxy and the seasonally sensitive months. Finally, we’ll group the set of PSM objects into a cell vector:

% Load the parameters of the linear model
parameters = load('ntrend.mat', 'slopes', 'intercepts');
slopes = parameters.slopes;
intercepts = parameters.intercepts;

% Get the name and seasonal window for each proxy
metadata = gridfile('ntrend').metadata;
names =,1);
seasons =,4);

% Preallocate the cell vector for the PSM objects
nSite = numel(names);
models = cell(nSite, 1);

% Loop over the proxy records. Get the months of seasonal sensitivity
for s = 1:nSite
    months = str2num(seasons(s));
    nMonths = numel(months);

    % Get monthly slopes
    slope = slopes(s) / nMonths;
    monthlySlopes = repmat(slope, [nMonths, 1]);

    % Create a linear forward model using the slopes
    model = PSM.linear(monthlySlopes, intercepts(s));

    % Label the model and store in the cell vector
    label = strcat(names(s), " - ", seasons(s));
    model = model.label(label);
    models{s} = model;

Examining the output:

models =
    54×1 cell array

      {1×1 PSM.linear}
      {1×1 PSM.linear}
      {1×1 PSM.linear}
      {1×1 PSM.linear}

we can see that “models” is a cell vector with 54 elements, and that each element holds a linear PSM object for a particular proxy record. We can inspect the elements of the cell to see the individual PSMs. For example:

linear PSM with properties:

    Label: NTR - 7,8
     Rows: none

       slopes: [2×1 double]
    intercept: -4.3496

we can see that the first PSM object is for the “NTR” proxy site, and that it implements a seasonal mean over July and August (months 7 and 8). Separately, the second model:

linear PSM with properties:

    Label: GOA - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
     Rows: none

       slopes: [9×1 double]
    intercept: 0.0675

is for the “GOA” proxy site, and it implements a seasonal mean from January to September.

In this demo, we’ll be using the BAYSPLINE forward model for UKL’37. Reading the documentation of its constructor:

help PSM.bayspline

we can see the BAYSPLINE model does not require any site-specific parameteers. Thus, we can create a BAYSPLINE object for each proxy record without requiring any inputs.

In the following code, we’ll create a BAYSPLINE PSM object for each of the 89 UK’37 records. We’ll label each object with the name of the associated proxy record, and we’ll group the set of PSM objects into a cell vector:

% Get the ID for each proxy record
metadata = gridfile('uk37').metadata;
ID =,1);

% Preallocate the cell vector for the PSM objects
nSite = numel(ID);
models = cell(nSite, 1);

% Build a BaySPLINE object for each proxy record
for s = 1:nSite
    model = PSM.bayspline;

    % Label the model, and store in the cell vector
    model = model.label(ID(s));
    models{s} = model;

Examining the output:

.. code::
    :class: input


.. code::
    :class: output

    models =

      89×1 cell array

        {1×1 PSM.bayspline}
        {1×1 PSM.bayspline}
        {1×1 PSM.bayspline}
        {1×1 PSM.bayspline}

we can see that “models” is a cell vector with 89 elements, and that each element holds a bayspline PSM object for a particular proxy record. We can inspect the elements of the cell to see the individual PSMs. For example:

bayspline PSM with properties:

    Label: bs79-33
     Rows: none

    bayes: {}

Step 3: Locate Inputs in Ensemble

Specify rows

Next, we’ll need to indicate which state vector rows each forward model should use as input. The PSM interface includes a rows command, which allows you to indicate the state vector rows needed to run a given forward model. The syntax is:

obj = obj.rows(rows)

The first input is a vector of indices that indicates which state vector elements are required to run the forward model.


The output is the updated PSM object.

If a forward model requires multiple climate variables, then the rows input should point to state vector elements in a specific order. For example, the BayFOX forward model requires both sea-surface temperature (SST), and δ18O seawater as input. When using this model, the first element of the rows should point to the SST variable, and the second element should point to δ18O seawater. As a rule, you should always read the documentation of a forward model’s rows command before using it. For example:

help PSM.bayspar.rows
help PSM.linear.rows
% or

Otherwise, if you pass rows in the wrong order, the forward model will mix up the input climate variables.

You can also use different state vector elements as input for different ensemble members and/or different ensembles in an evolving set. This most often occurs when implementing a deep-time assimilation with changing continental boundary conditions. See the documentation on the syntaxes:

obj = obj.rows(memberRows)
% and
obj = obj.rows(evolvingRows)

for details. You can find the documentation on these syntaxes in the documentation of any forward model’s rows command (for example, dash.doc('PSM.bayspar.rows')), and more general information in the documentation of the PSM interface (dash.doc('PSM.Interface.rows')).


For the tutorial, we’ve separated the discussion of the rows command from the creation of PSM objects. However, in real workflows, it’s often easiest to combine these commands within the same loop.

Locate rows

However, before you can specify state vector elements to the rows command, you’ll need to actually locate the forward model’s inputs within the ensemble. The ensembleMetadata.closestLatLon command is most often used for this task, and allows you to search within a state vector variable for the data elements that are closest to a proxy record’s latitude-longitude coordinates. Essentially, this allows you to locate the climate model grid point that is closest to the proxy site, within a given state vector variable. The base syntax for this command is:

rows = obj.closestLatLon(variable, coordinates)

Here, obj is the ensembleMetadata object for your ensemble.


The first input indicates the variable in which to search. You may use either the name, or the index of a variable in the state vector.


The second input lists the coordinates of the proxy site. It should be a vector with two elements - the first element is latitude, and the second element is longitude.


The output is a the index of the state vector row closest to the proxy coordinates within the specified variable. If the state vector variable contains a sequence, then rows will be a vector, and will indicate the closest state vector row within each sequence element.

In some cases, you may have coordinate metadata stored along the site dimension (this most commonly occurs when using tripolar grids). In this case, you can use the 'site' option to indicate that the command should extract coordinates from the site dimension, rather than the lat and lon dimensions. In this case, the syntax becomes:

rows = obj.closestLatLon(variable, coordinates, 'site', columns)

This input is used to indicate which columns of the site metadata contain the latitude and longitude coordinates. It should be a vector with two elements. The first element is the index of the column containing latitude metadata, and the second element is the column with the longitude metadata.

We will only cover the closestLatLon command in the tutorial, but the ensembleMetadata class includes a number of other commands which can help locate specific data elements within an ensemble. Depending on the complexity of your experiment, you may be interested in:


Returns metadata down the rows of the state vector (or at queried rows) for a queried dimension.


Returns metadata at the state vector rows of a queried variable.


Locates the state vector rows of a specific variable.


Identifies the state vector variables associated with queried rows.

These functions are also helpful for locating data inputs when running forward models outside of the DASH framework.

We’ll start with a quick exploration of the closestLatLon command. In the demo, we need to search through the T_monthly variable for data from the climate model grid point closest to each proxy record. Since T_monthly implements a sequence for each month of the year, the closestLatLon command should return 12 rows (one for each month of the year). We’ll then select the rows that correspond to the months of the proxy’s seasonal sensitivity.

Here, we’ll demo the command for a single proxy record. We’ll also use several ensembleMetadata commands to verify that the selected rows point to the correct data. We’ll start by getting the coordinates and seasonal sensitivity window of the NTR proxy record (this is the first proxy record in our dataset):

site = gridfile('ntrend'),:);
lat = str2num(site(2))
lon = str2num(site(3))
season = str2num(site(4))
lat =

lon =

season =
     7     8

Here we can see that the site is located at 65.28N, 161.65W, and that its seasonal window is over July and August (months 7 and 8).

Next, we’ll use the closestLatLon command to locate the data elements in the T_monthly variable from the climate model grid point closest to this proxy site:

% Load the ensemble metadata object
ens = ensemble('ntrend');
ensMeta = ens.metadata;

% Locate the closest data elements
coordinates = [lat, lon];
rows = ensMeta.closestLatLon("T_monthly", coordinates)
rows =


Here we can see that the command returned the indices of 12 rows within the state vector. This is because T_monthly includes a monthly sequence, so there are 12 rows associated with the closest climate model grid point (one per month). We can use the ensembleMetadata.rows command to verify that these rows represent the different months of the year:

timeMetadata = ensMeta.rows("time", rows)
timeMetadata =

    12×1 string array


at the same spatial point:

latMetadata = ensMeta.rows("lat", rows)
latMetadata =

lonMetadata = ensMeta.rows("lon", rows)
lonMetadata =


Note that you can use a mix of (-180 to 180) and (0 to 360) longitude coordinate systems in DASH. In this example, the proxy longitude uses a (-180 to 180) coordinate system, but closestLatLon still successfully locates the closest model grid point, despite the climate model longitude using a (0 to 360) coordinate system.

Now that we’ve verified the rows point to the correct data elements, we can use the seasonal sensitivity indices to select rows in the months of seasonal sensitivity.

rows = rows(season)
rows =

We can do a final verification to ensure that these rows represent July and August:

timeMetadata = ensMeta.rows("time", rows)
timeMetadata =

  2×1 string array


Now that we’ve seen how to use the closestLatLon command, we can combine it with the rows command. Here, we need to update the forward model for each proxy record, so we’ll be using these commands within a for loop. Within each loop iteration, we’ll locate the appropriate state vector rows for the proxy record, and then pass these rows to the forward model using the rows command:

% Get the coordinates and metadata for each proxy site
sites = gridfile('ntrend');
lats = str2double(sites(:,2));
lons = str2double(sites(:,3));
seasons = sites(:,4);

% Get the metadata object for the ensemble
ens = ensemble('ntrend');
ensMeta = ens.metadata;

% Loop over the proxy sites / forward models
for s = 1:numel(models)
    model = models{s};

    % Search for data from the closest climate model grid point
    coordinates = [lats(s), lons(s)];
    rows = ensMeta.closestLatLon("T_monthly", coordinates);

    % Select the rows for the seasonally sensitive months
    season = str2num(seasons(s));
    rows = rows(season);

    % Provide the rows to the forward model
    model = model.rows(rows);
    models{s} = model;

We can double-check the forward models to ensure they know which state vector rows to use as input. For example, if we inspect the first forward model:

linear PSM with properties:

    Label: NTR - 7,8
     Rows: set

       slopes: [2×1 double]
    intercept: 0

we can see that the state vector rows have been set.

We’ll start by exploring the closestLatLon command. In the demo, we need to search through the SST variable for data from the climate model grid point closest to each proxy record.

Here, we’ll demo the command for a single proxy record. We’ll also use several ensembleMetadata commands to verify that the selected rows point to the correct data. We’ll start by getting the coordinates of the “bs79-33” proxy record (this is the first proxy record in our dataset):

site = gridfile('uk37'),:);
lat = str2num(site(2));
lon = str2num(site(3));
lat =

lon =

Here we can see that the site is located at 38.26N, 14.03E.

Next, we’ll use the closestLatLon command to locate the data elements in the SST variable from the climate model grid point closest to this proxy site. Since the SST dataset is on a tripolar grid, it uses the site dimension to organize climate model grid points. Thus, we’ll use the “site” option with this command - note that the latitude coordinate is the first column of the site metadata in SST.grid, and that longitude is the second column:

% Load the ensemble metadata object
ens = ensemble('lgm');
ensMeta = ens.metadata;

% Locate the closest data elements
coordinates = [lat, lon];
row = ensMeta.closestLatLon("SST", coordinates, 'site', [1 2])
row =

Here we can see the command returned the state vector row of the climate model grid point closest to the proxy site. We can use the ensembleMetadata.rows command to verify that this row is near the proxy site:

siteMetadata = ensMeta.rows("site", row)
siteMetadata =

   38.1033   13.7306

Now that we’ve seen how to use the closestLatLon command, we can combine it with the rows command. Here, we need to update the forward model for each proxy record, so we’ll be using these commands within a for loop. Within each loop iteration, we’ll locate the appropriate state vector row for the proxy record, and then pass the row to the forward model using the rows command:

% Get the coordinates for each proxy site
site = gridfile('uk37');
lats = str2double(site(:,2));
lons = str2double(site(:,3));

% Get the metadata object for the ensemble
ens = ensemble('lgm');
ensMeta = ens.metadata;

% Loop over the proxy sites / forward models
for s = 1:numel(models)
    model = models{s};

    % Search for the closest climate model grid point
    coordinates = [lats(s), lons(s)];
    row = ensMeta.closestLatLon("SST", coordinates, 'site', [1 2]);

    % Provide the row to the forward model
    model = model.rows(row);
    models{s} = model;

We can double-check the forward models to ensure they know which state vector rows to use as input. For example, if we inspect the first forward model:

bayspline PSM with properties:

    Label: bs79-33
     Rows: set

    bayes: {}

we can see that the state vector row has been set.

Step 4: Estimate Proxies

You can run a set of forward models over an ensemble using the PSM.estimate command. Here, the base syntax is:

[Ye, R] = PSM.estimate(models, ensemble)

The first input is a cell vector of PSM objects. Every forward model must have its state vector rows set before running this command.


The second input is the ensemble over which to run the forward models. This input may either be a an ensemble object, or a data array (a matrix for a static ensemble, or a 3D array for an evolving ensemble).


This first output is a numeric matrix that holds the proxy estimates. Each row holds the estimates for a particular proxy record, and each column holds the estimate for a particular ensemble member. If estimating proxies values for an evolving ensemble, then the output will be a 3D array with each element along the third dimension holding estimates for a particular ensemble in the evolving set.


The second output is a numeric array that holds error-variances for the proxy estimates. This array has the same size as the Ye output, and the rows, columns, and pages again correspond to proxy sites, ensemble members, and ensembles in an evolving set. Not all forward models can estimate error-variances, and these models will produce NaN error-variances for the associated proxy estimates.


You can use the method to see which forward models can estimate R variances.

Here, we’ll run the forward models over the ensemble to produce the proxy estimates. The linear forward model does not estimate error-variances, so we’ll only compute proxy estimates here:

% Get the ensemble object
ens = ensemble('ntrend');

% Run the models over the ensemble
Ye = PSM.estimate(models, ens);

Inspecting the output:

siz = size(Ye)
siz =
          54        1156

we can see that Ye is a matrix with one row for each of the 54 proxy records, and a column for each of the 1156 ensemble members.

Here, we’ll run the forward models over the ensemble to produce proxy estimates. The BaySPLINE PSM is also able to estimate proxy uncertainties, so we’ll also obtain those (as the second output):

% Get the ensemble object ens = ensemble(‘lgm’);

% Run the models over the ensemble [Ye, R] = PSM.estimate(models, ens);

Inspecting the output:

siz = size(Ye)
siz =
   89    16

we can see that Ye is a matrix with one row for each of the 89 proxy records, and a column for each of the 16 ensemble members. Similarly examining R:

siz = size(R)
siz =
   89    16

we can see that R has an uncertainty estimate for each proxy record and ensemble member. In reality, we only want one uncertainty estimate per proxy record, so we’ll use the mean uncertainty estimates over the ensemble:

R = mean(R, 2);

Full Demo

This section recaps all the essential code from the demos and may be useful as a quick reference. Note that the code from several of the demo sections has been combined into a single loop.

% Load the linear model parameters
parameters = load('ntrend.mat', 'slopes', 'intercepts');
slopes = parameters.slopes;
intercepts = parameters.intercepts;

% Get metadata for each proxy site
sites = gridfile('ntrend');
names = sites(:,1);
lats = str2double(sites(:,2));
lons = str2double(sites(:,3));
seasons = sites(:,4);

% Get the ensemble and its metadata
ens = ensemble('ntrend');
ensMeta = ens.metadata;

% Preallocate the cell vector for the PSM objects
nSite = numel(names);
models = cell(nSite, 1);

% Loop over the proxy records. Get the months of seasonal sensitivity
for s = 1:nSite
    months = str2num(seasons(s));
    nMonths = numel(months);

    % Get monthly slopes to implement a seasonal mean
    slope = slopes(s) / nMonths;
    monthlySlopes = repmat(slope, [nMonths, 1]);

    % Create a linear forward model. Label the model
    model = PSM.linear(monthlySlopes, intercepts(s));
    label = strcat(names(s), " - ", seasons(s));
    model = model.label(label);

    % Locate data from the closest climate model grid point in the months of
    % seasonal sensitivity
    coordinates = [lats(s), lons(s)];
    rows = ensMeta.closestLatLon("T_monthly", coordinates);
    rows = rows(months);

    % Record the rows and save the model
    model = model.rows(rows);
    models{s} = model;

% Run the forward models over the ensemble to produce proxy estimates
Ye = PSM.estimate(models, ens);
% Download the BaySPLINE forward model'bayspline');

% Get metadata for each proxy site
sites = gridfile('uk37');
names = sites(:,1);
lats = str2double(sites(:,2));
lons = str2double(sites(:,3));

% Get the ensemble and its metadata
ens = ensemble('lgm');
ensMeta = ens.metadata;

% Preallocate the cell vector for the PSM objects
nSite = numel(names);
models = cell(nSite, 1);

% Loop over the proxy records and create BaySPLINE PSM objects
for s = 1:nSite
    model = PSM.bayspline;
    model = model.label(names(s));

    % Locate data from the closest climate model grid point
    coordinates = [lats(s), lons(s)];
    row = ensMeta.closestLatLon("SST", coordinates, 'site', [1 2]);

    % Record the row and save the model
    model = model.rows(row);
    models{s} = model;

% Estimate proxy values and uncertainties
[Ye, R] = PSM.estimate(models, ens);
R = mean(R, 2);