
Create a new PRYSM Cellulose PSM object



obj = PSM.prysm.cellulose

Creates a new PSM object that implements the PRYSM cellulose sensor module. Runs the PSM using isotope-enabled model output and the Evans et al., 2007 model.

Please see the documentation of the “” function in the psm.cellulose.sensor module of the PRYSM Python package for additional details about the inputs.

obj = PSM.prysm.cellulose(…, ‘flag’, flag)

Indicate whether to use the Evans et al., 2007 model or the Roden et al., 2003 model. Default is Evans.

obj = PSM.prysm.cellulose(…, ‘iso’, iso)

Indicate whether to use isotope-enabled model output in the calculation of dS and dV. Default is to use isotope-enabled output.

Input Arguments


0 | 1
Flag for the type of cellulose model

[0]: Roden et al., 2003

[1]: (Deafult) Evans et al., 2007


scalar logical
Whether to use isotope-ensabled model output (true) or not (false). Default is true.

Output Arguments


scalar prysm.*cellulose* object
The new PRYSM cellulose PSM object