Implements a general linear model of form: Y = Y = a1*X1 + a2*X2 + … an*Xn + b
The linear PSM implements a general linear forward model. The linear model uses the following form: Y = a1*X1 + a2*X2 + … an*Xn + b
Each linear PSM can be customized for any N number of variables. When initializing a linear PSM, the number of slopes provided determines N, the number of variables.
The linear PSM is directly built-in to the DASH toolbox, so does not need to be downloaded from an external Github repository.
All User Methods
rows - Indicate the state vector rows that hold variables used as inputs to the linear model
run - Run a general linear model
Utility Methods
Utility methods that help the class run. These are not intended for users, and do not implement error checking on their inputs.
estimate - Estimates proxy observations using a general linear model