Creates a new BayMAG PSM object
Initializes a new BayMAG PSM object. The PSM will require SST, SSS, Omega, and pH inputs from the ensemble. Please see the documentation of baymag_forward_ln.m in the BayMAG repository for details about the inputs.
Provide optional arguments to the BayMAG forward model. See the documentation of baymag_forward_ln.m in the BayMAG repository for details.
obj = PSM.baymag(…, ‘pH’, pH) Uses a fixed value for pH, rather than values from the ensemble.
obj = PSM.baymag(…, ‘omega’, omega) Uses a fixed value for Omega, rather than values from the ensemble.
obj = PSM.baymag(…, ‘salinity’, salinity) Uses a fixed value for sea-surface salinity, rather than values from the ensemble.
obj = PSM.baymag(…, ‘sst’, sst) Uses a fixed value for sea-surface temperatures, rather than values from the ensemble.