
Return the metadata along a dimension of a state vector variable



metadata = obj.getMetadata(v, dimension)
metadata = obj.getMetadata(variableName, dimension)

Returns the metadata that will be used along a dimension of a variable. If the dimension is a state dimension, returns the gridfile metadata at the specified state indices. If the dimension is an ensemble dimension, returns either 1. The raw gridfile metadata at the reference indices, 2. Alternate user-specified metadata, or 3. gridfile metadata processed via a metadata conversion function. Which of these three types is returned will vary depending on previous use of the “stateVector.metadata” method.

Input Arguments


scalar linear index | logical vector
The index of a variable in the state vector for which to return metadata. Either a scalar linear index or a logical vector with one element per state vector variable. If a logical vector, must have exactly one true element.


string scalar
The name of a variable in the state vector for which to return metadata.


string scalar
The name of a dimension of the variable for which to return metadata.

Output Arguments


matrix, numeric | logical | char | string | datetime
The metadata of data elements along the dimension that will be used in the state vector.