
Add more ensemble members to an existing state vector ensemble



[X, metadata, obj] = obj.addMembers(nMembers)

Adds the specified number of ensemble members to an existing ensemble and returns the additional ensemble members as output. Also returns the ensembleMetadata object for the new ensemble members. (Note that the ensemble metadata does not include metadata for previously built ensemble members). The third output is the state vector object for the built ensemble. It includes information on any previously built ensemble members, as well as the newly built ensemble members and can be used to add more members to the ensemble if necessary.

Note: This method cannot be used to add more ensemble members to an ensemble stored in a .ens file. If this is your objective, see the method “ensemble.addMembers” instead.

= obj.addMembers(‘all’)

Adds as many new ensemble members as possible to the existing ensemble. Reports the number of ensemble members being built to the console.

= obj.addMembers(…, ‘showprogress’, true|false)
= obj.addMembers(…, ‘showprogres’, showprogress)

Specify whether to display a progress bar. Default is to not display a progress bar.

= obj.addMembers(…, ‘strict’, true|false)
= obj.addMembers(…, ‘strict’, strict)

Specify how the method should respond if it cannot build the requested number of ensemble members. If true (default), throws an error when the requested number of ensemble members cannot be built. If false, issues a warning (but does not fail) when the requested number of ensemble members cannot be built. If this occurs, the output ensemble will have fewer columns than the requested number of ensemble members.

= obj.addMembers(…, ‘precision’, ‘single’|’double’)
= obj.addMembers(…, ‘precision’, precision)

Specify the numerical precision of the new ensemble members. If no precision is specified, selects a precision based on the precision of the data used to build the ensemble.

Input Arguments


scalar positive integer | ‘all
The number of ensemble members (columns) that should be in the built ensemble. Use ‘all’ to use every possible ensemble member.


scalar logical
Specify how the method should respond if the requested number of ensemble members cannot be built. If true (default), throws an error. If false, issues a warning and returns an ensemble with however many ensemble members did successfully build.


single’ | ‘double
The desired numerical precision of the built state vector ensemble.

Output Arguments


numeric matrix [nState x nMembers]
The new ensemble members for the state vector ensemble. Has one row per state vector element. Each column holds one new ensemble member.


scalar ensembleMetadata object
An ensemble metadata object for the new ensemble members. Organizes metadata along the rows and columns of the ensemble.


scalar stateVector object
The state vector object for the built ensemble. Can be used to add additional members to the ensemble. Cannot be edited in any way.