Runs an offline particle filter assimilation



output =

Runs the offline particle filter assimilation. Returns the updated state vector and particle weights for each assimilated time step. Requires the particle filter object to have observations, estimates, uncertainties, and a prior.

If you would like details on the implementation of the algorithm, or for advice on troubleshooting large state vectors, please see the help text for the particleFilter class: >> help particleFilter

output =…, ‘sse’, returnSSE)
output =…, ‘sse’, “return”|”r”|true)
output =…, ‘sse’, “discard”|”d”|false)

Indicate whether to include the sum of squared errors for each particle in the output. Default behavior is to not include the SSE values in the output. Use “return”|”r”|true to return these values.

Input Arguments


string scalar | scalar logical
Indicates whether to return the sum of squared errors for each particle in the output.

[“return”|”r”|true]: Returns the SSE values in the output

[“discard”|”d”|false (default)]: Does not return SSE values

Output Arguments


scalar struct
Output produced by the particle filter. May include the following fields:

.A (numeric matrix [nState x nTime]): The updated state vector for each assimilated time step. A numeric matrix, each column holds the updated state vector for an assimilated time step.

.weights (numeric matrix [nMembers x nTime]): The particle weights of each ensemble member for each assimilated time step. A numeric matrix. Each row holds the weights of a specific ensemble member, and each column holds the weights for an assimilated time step.

.sse (numeric matrix [nMembers x nTime]): The SSE values for a particle filter. Each row holds the weights for a particular ensemble member. Each column holds weights for an assimilation time step. Lower values indicate greater similarity to the proxy observations.