
Returns particle filter weights using a Bayesian weighting of each particle



weights = particleFilter.bayesWeights(sse)

Given the sum of squared errors from a particle filter, uses Bayes’s formula to compute weights for each particle. The weights will sum to 1 in each time step.

Computes Bayesian weights using the log sum of exponentials, which is more numberically stable than solving Bayes formula directly. Note that when solving Bayes’s formula directly, the term: Y = log( e^X1 + e^X2 + … e^Xn ) is numerically unstable because e^(very positive) evaluates to Inf, while e^(very negative) evaluates to 0 because of numerical precision errors.

However, the alternative formulation: Y = m + log( e^(X1-m) + e^(X2-m) + … ) is more stable because the magnitude of the exponents is reduced. Note that by choosing m as max(X), the largest exponent (X-m) becomes 0, and the term with the largest exponent is evaluated exactly as 1.

Input Arguments


numeric matrix [nMembers x nTime]
The sum of squared errors from a particle filter.

Output Arguments


numeric matrix [nMembers x nTime]
Weights for each particle in each time step.