
Provide error uncertaities for an optimal sensor



obj = obj.uncertainties(Rvar)

Provide error variances for an optimal sensor. The uncertainties should be a numeric vector with one element per observation site. The variances cannot be negative and cannot contain NaN values.

obj = obj.uncertainties(Rcov)

Provide error covariances for an optimal sensor. The unceratinties should be a symmetric matrix with one row and one column per site. The matrix cannot contain NaN values, and the diagonal elements (the error variances) cannot be negative.

Rvar = obj.uncertainties
Rcov = obj.uncertainties

Returns the current R uncertainties for an optimal sensor object.

obj = obj.uncertainties(‘delete’)

Deletes the current R error uncertainties from the optimal sensor object.

Input Arguments


numeric vector [nSite]
Error variances for the observation sites. Must have one row per site. Elements cannot be negative and cannot be NaN.


numeric matrix [nSite x nSite]
Error covariances for the observation sites. Must have one row and one column per site. Must be a symmetric matrix and may not contain NaN. The diagonal elements cannot be negative.

Output Arguments


scalar optimalSensor object
The optimal sensor with updated uncertainties.


numeric column vector [nSite x 1] | []
The current uncertaintiy variances for the optimal sensor. If there are no uncertainties, returns an empty array.


numeric matrix [nSite x nSite] | []
The current error covariances for the optimal sensor. If there are no uncertainties, returns an empty array.