Preserve assimilation sizes set by covariance options
When using a dash.ensembleFilter data input method (such as observations, prior, estimates, or uncertainties), the method checks that all essential data inputs have compatible sizes. However, kalmanFilter objects can also set sizes via covariance options. This method ensures that covariance options have compatible sizes and is intended for use after the dash.ensembleFilter method.
When performing a delete operation, maintains assimilation sizes that are set by the covariance options.
kalmanFilter.validateSizes(outputs, ‘set’)
When performing a set operation, checks that new sizes are compatible with any sizes set by covariance options.
Customize error messages and IDs.
Input Arguments
cell vector
The output of a dash.ensembleFilter data input method (observations, prior, estimates, uncertainties)
‘delete’ | ‘set’
Indicates the type of operation performed by the dash.ensembleFilter data input method.
string scalar
An identifying name for the data input
string scalar
Header for thrown error IDs.
Output Arguments
cell vector
The kalmanFilter object output by a delete operation, but updated to include any sizes set by covariance options.