Provide inflation factors for a Kalman Filter
Specifies a multiplicative covariance inflation factor for the Kalman Filter. The covariance term in the Kalman Gain numerator will be multiplied by the inflation factor in order to increase the apparent covariance for the filter. The inflation factor is applied before localization and blending. Inflation is not allowed for user-provided covariance matrices.
If factor is scalar, uses the same inflation factor for all time steps. Otherwise, must be a vector with one element per time step (although see the next syntax for relaxing this requirement).
Specify which inflation factor to use in each assimilation time step. This syntax allows the number of inflation factors to differ from the number of time steps.
[factor, whichFactor] = obj.inflate
Returns the inflation factor for the Kalman filter, and indicates which factor is used in each assimilation time step.
obj = obj.inflate(‘reset’)
Deletes any current inflation factors from the Kalman Filter.