
Return the metadata for ensemble members in a state vector ensemble



metadata = obj.members(dimension)

Return metadata for each member of an ensemble. The metadata will have one row per member in the ensemble. The first input indicates the ensemble dimension for which to return metadata. If multiple variables use the ensemble dimension, returns the metadata for the first variable that uses the ensemble dimension.

metadata = obj.members(dimension, members)
metadata = obj.members(dimension, -1)

Returns metadata at the specified ensemble members. If the second input is -1, selects all members in the ensemble. The returned metadata will have one row per listed ensemble member.

metadata = obj.members(dimension, members, v)

Indicate which variable’s metadata to return. The variable must use the listed dimension as an ensemble dimension.

Input Arguments


string scalar | char row vector
The name of an ensemble dimension used by a variable in the state vector.


-1 | logical vector | vector, linear indices
The indices of ensemble members for which to return metadata. If -1, selects all ensemble members in the state vector ensemble. If a logical vector, must have one element per ensemble members in the ensemble. Otherwise, a vector a linear indices. Note that these indices refer to the columns (ensemble members) of the ensemble.


string scalar | char row vector
The name of the variable whose ensemble dimension metadata should be used.


scalar linear index | logical vector
The index of the variable whose ensemble dimension metadata should be used. If a logical vector, must have one element per variable in the state vector and exactly one true element.

Output Arguments


matrix [nMembers x ?]
The metadata for the selected ensemble members along the indicated ensemble dimension. Will have one row per selected ensemble member.