
Locate the rows corresponding to specific variables in a state vector



= obj.find(variableNames)
= obj.find(v)
= obj.find(-1)

Locate state vector rows/elements associated with the listed variables. If the input is -1, selects all variables in the state vector. The output of the method will depend on the number of variables selected. See syntaxes below for details.

rows = obj.find(variable)

If a single variable is selected, returns the indices of all rows associated with the variable. The output will be a column vector matching the length of the variable in the state vector.

rowLimits = obj.find(variables)

If multiple variables are selected, returns the indices of the first and last row for each variable. The output is a matrix with one row per selected variable and two columns. The two columns list the first and last row of each variable, respectively.

= obj.find(variables, type)

Indicate the type of output to return for the selected variables. See syntaxes below for details.

rows = obj.find(variable, ‘all’|’a’|0)

Return the indices of all the rows associated with a particular variable. You can only specify a single variable when selecting this option.

startRows = obj.find(variables, ‘start’|’s’|1)

Return the index of the first row for each of the listed variables.

endRows = obj.find(variables, ‘end’|’e’|2)

Return the index of the last row for each of the listed variables.

rowLimits = obj.find(variables, ‘limits’|’l’|3)

Return the indices of the first and the last row for each of the selected variables.

Input Arguments


string vector
The names of the variables for which to return rows.


-1 | logical vector | vector, linear indices
The indices of the variables in the state vector for which to return rows. If -1, selects all variables. If a logical vector, must have one element per variable in the state vector.


string scalar | scalar positive integer
Indicates the type of output to return for the listed variables.

[“all”|”a”|0]: Returns the indices of all of the rows associated with a variable. This is the default when a single variable is selected, and this option can only be used for a single variable.

[“start”|”s”|1]: Returns the starting row of each variable

[“end”|”e”|2]: Returns the final row of each variable

[“limits”|”l”|3]: Returns the first and last row of each variable. This is the default output when multiple variables are selected.

Output Arguments


vector, linear indices
The indices of all the state vector rows associated with a particular variable.


matrix [nVariables x 2], linear indices
The first and the last row for each of the listed variables. The first column lists the starting rows, and the second column lists the ending rows.


vector, linear indices [nVariables]
The first state vector row for each of the listed variables.


vector, linear indices [nVariables]
The final state vector row of each of the listed variables.