
Indicate which variables should be used by an ensemble object



obj = obj.useVariables(variableNames)
obj = obj.useVariables(v)
obj = obj.useVariables(-1)

Indicates which variables should be used by the ensemble. The listed variables and indices are interpreted in the context of variables saved in the .ens file. If the index is -1, selects all variables saved in the .ens file.

After using this command, the ensemble will only load these specified variables when the “ensemble.load” command is used. Unused variables will not be loaded into memory. By default, ensemble objects load all the variables saved in the .ens file, so use this command when you only want to load a subset of the saved variables.

This command is most commonly used to design and load assimilation priors. Only the used variables will be loaded and assimilated, so this method can help select a subset of variables as reconstruction targets.

Calling this command will also affect values returned by various ensemble methods. Typcially, ensemble methods will interpret inputs and return values in the context of the variables being used by the ensemble object, rather than the context of variables saved in the .ens file. However, you can change this behavior using the “scope” input of these commands. (Note that the “useVariables” command itself is an exception to this behavior. By default, it interprets inputs in the context of variables saved in the .ens file).

*Important* It is usually not necessary to use this command when running the “PSM.estimate” command, because “PSM.estimate” already implements memory optimizations. However, if you do apply this command to an ensemble object used as input to “PSM.estimate”, then you should call this command BEFORE determining the rows for each forward model. Essentially, you will need to determine forward models rows with respect to the subset of used/loaded variables, rather than the full set of variables saved in the .ens file.

obj = obj.useVariables(variables, scope)
obj = obj.useVariables(variables, “file”|”f”|true)
obj = obj.useVariables(variables, “used”|”u”|false)

Indicate the scope in which to interpret the input variables. If “file”|”f”|true, behaves identically to the previous syntax and interprets inputs in the context of variables saved in the .ens file. If “used”|”u”|false, interprets inputs in the context of variables being used by the ensemble object.

Input Arguments


-1 | linear indices | logical vector
The indices of the variables that should be used by the ensemble object. If -1, selects all variables. Depending on scope, these indices are interpreted with respect to either the variables saved in the .ens file, or to the variables already being used by the ensemble.


string vector
The names of variables for which to return lengths. Depending on scope, these names must either be the names of used variables, or the names of variables saved in the .ens file.


string scalar | logical scalar
The scope in which to interpret input variables

[“file”|”f|false (default)]: Interpret variables relative to the set of all variables stored in the .ens file.

[“used”|”u”|true]: Interpret variables relative to the set of variables already being used by the ensemble.

Output Arguments


scalar ensemble object
The ensemble with updated used variables