
Return the indices of ensembles in an evolving set



e = obj.evolvingIndices(ensembles, allowRepeats)

Parse the indices of ensembles in an evolving set. Error checks logical or linear indices and locates evolving labels. Returns linear indices to the specified ensembles. Requires labels refer to unique ensembles. Throw error if ensembles are unrecognized. Optionally throw error if the ensembles include repeated elements

e = obj.evolvingIndices(ensembles, allowRepeats, header)

Customize header in thrown error IDs.

Input Arguments


any data type
The input being parsed. Valid inputs are either array indices or a list of evolving labels.


scalar logical
Whether to allow repeat elements (true), or throw an error for repeat elements (false).

Output Arguments


vector, linear indices
The indices of ensembles in an evolving set