
Display an ensemble object in the console




Displays the ensemble object in the console. If scalar, indicates whether the ensemble is static or evolving. Also indicates the size of used variables and ensemble members, and any evolving ensembles. Includes links to display the used state vector and the saved ensemble in the .ens file.

If empty, indicates the object is empty and prints its size. If an array of ensemble objects, prints the size of the array and the labels of the ensemble objects. Unlabeled ensemble objects are marked as “<no label>”. If all the ensemble objects are unlabeled, displays the .ens files instead.

disp(obj, scope)

Indicate whether to display contents saved in the .ens file, or values used by the ensemble object. If printing file contents, prints the details and size of all variables saved in the .ens file. Includes a link to display the saved state vector. If an array, displays the .ens files associated with the objects, and never the labels.

Input Arguments


string scalar | logical scalar
The scope for which to print ensemble information

[“used”|”u”|true (default)]: Print information about the contents of the .ens file being used by the object

[“file”|”f|false]: Print information about the saved contents of the .ens file.


Prints information about an ensemble object to the console.