
Return the gridfile index limits required to load a set of ensemble members



limits = obj.indexLimits(dims, subMembers, includeState)

Returns index limits along dimensions of a variable. Size of the output and dimension order of limits will depend on whether state dimension limits are required or not.

Note: This method should only be called after the variable has been finalized.

allLimits = obj.indexLimits(dims, subMembers, true)

Determines the gridfile indices needed to load all the indicated ensemble members. Includes limits for all dimensions in the variable. The order of limits is the order of dimensions in the variable.

ensLimits = obj.indexLimits(dims, subMembers, false)

Determines the index limits along ensemble dimensions required to load the indicated ensemble members. Only includes limits for ensemble dimensions. The order of limits is the order of columns of subMembers (the ensemble dimension order for the coupling set).

Input Arguments


vector, linear indices [nEnsDims]
The dimension indices that correspond to the columns of subMembers.


matrix, linear indices [nMembers x nEnsDims]
A set of dimensionally-subscripted ensemble members for the variable.


scalar logical
Set to true if the method should determine the limits of state dimensions. Set to false to only determine limits of ensemble dimensions.

Output Arguments


matrix, linear indices [nDims x 2]
The limits of the indices required to load the ensemble members along each ensemble dimension. The rows of limits are in the same dimension order as the dimensions of the variable


matrix, linear indices [nEnsDims x 2]
The limits along the ensemble dimensions of the coupling set. Limits are in the same order as the columns of subMembers.