
Interface for objects that perform calculations on posterior deviations


This class is an abstract interface. It provides a framework for classes to perform calculations that require the posterior deviations from a Kalman filter. The purpose of this class is to allow developers to plug-in new calculations into the Kalman filter, without requiring them to know the inner workings of the “kalmanFilter.run” method.

In particular, this Interface is inteded to help extend the “kalmanFilter.index” command for climate indices that are calculated using a variety of methods. The interface is also used by the classes that calculate ensemble variance and percentiles.

The Interface Has Several Requirements

  1. Calculations must also include an “outputSize” method that indicates the size of the output arrays resulting from the calculations. This allows “kalmanFilter.run” to preallocate output for these calculations

  2. Calculations must implement a “calculate” method that performs the calculation on a set of ensemble deviations and optionally also the ensemble mean.

  3. Calculations must indicate which dimension of output the output array corresponds to assimilation time steps. This allows the Kalman filter to record calculated output for different time steps.

