
Check that essential data inputs are present for a filter algorithm



obj = obj.finalize(requirePrior)

Requires the filter object to have observations, estimates, and uncertainties. Optionally requires the filter to have a prior. Throws error if these conditions are met. Sets static/empty whichR and whichPrior fields to vectors of 1s. Also sets the “isfinalized” property to a value depending on whether a prior was required.

obj = obj.finalize(true)

Requires a prior. Sets the “isfinalized” property to 2. If the prior is provided via ensemble objects, validates the associated matfiles. Also records the numerical precision of the prior.

obj = obj.finalize(false)

Does not require a prior. Sets the “isfinalized” property to 1.

obj = obj.finalize(requirePrior, actionName, header)

Customize error messages and IDs.

Input Arguments


scalar logical
Whether to require a prior


string scalar
A name for the algorithm or calculation requiring a finalized filter.

Output Arguments


scalar ensembleFilter object
The finalzied filter object