
Throw error if input is not a collection of indices



indices = dash.assert.indexCollection(indices, nDims)

Requires indices to be a cell vector with one element per dimension. Each element must hold a valid vector of indices. If there is a single dimension, also allows indices to be a direct vector of indices. If these requirements are not met, throws an error. If met, returns the indices as a cell vector of sets of linear indices.

indices = dash.assert.indexCollection(indices, nDims, dimLengths)

Also requires each vector of indices to be compatible with a specified dimension length. To be valid, a vector logical indices must match the length of the dimension. For linear indices, the values of individual elements cannot exceed the length of the dimension.

indices = dash.assert.indexCollection(indices, nDims, dimLengths, dimNames, header)

Customize the error messages and IDs.

Input Arguments


any data type
The input being checked


scalar positive integer
The number of dimensions being indexed


vector, positive integers [nDims] | []
The length of each dimension being indexed. If empty, does not check indices against a dimension length.


string vector [nDims]
The name of each dimension being indexed

Output Arguments


cell vector [nDims] {vector, linear indices}
The indices for each dimension organized as a cell vector of linear indices.