Download the codebase for a PSM from Github



Downloads the repository for the specified PSM from Github and adds the repository to the Matlab active path. The repository is downloaded to the current directory in a folder that matches the name of the repository. If the current directory already has a folder matching the name of the repository, then that folder must be empty. The downloaded repository is checked out at the commit supported by the DASH toolbox.

This command requires: 1. An internet connection, and 2. You have git installed and on your system path…, ‘path’, path)

Downloads the repository contents into the specified folder. The folder must be empty.…, ‘latest’, useLatest)

Specify whether the command should checkout the latest commit of the forward model - regardless of whether the latest commit is officially supported by the DASH toolbox. By default, checks out a supported commit.

Input Arguments


string scalar
The name of a PSM codebase supported by DASH. You can see the names of supported PSMs using the “PSM.supported” command. The general linear PSM, and the identity PSM are built-in directly to DASH and do not need to be downloaded.


string scalar | char row vector
The name of the folder in which to download the repository code. The folder must be empty. By default, uses the current folder.


scalar logical
Set to true if the command should checkout the latest forward model commit - regardless of whether the latest commit is officially supported by DASH. Set to false to checkout the supported commit. Default is to checkout the supported commit.