Assimilating the Southern Annular Mode

Reconstructing the SAM by assimilating drought atlases and PAGES.

LGM Reconstructions

Assimilating climate from the Last Glacial Maximum to present.


A Matlab package for paleoclimate data assimilation workflow.

NTREND Assimilation

Reconstructing Northern Hemisphere temperatures using NTREND.

Glacial cooling and climate sensitivity revisited

Assimilating sea surface temperature proxies over the Last Glacial Maximum constrains equilibrium climate sensitivity.

A data assimilation approach to last millennium temperature field reconstruction using a limited high-sensitivity proxy network

We reconstruct Nothern Hemisphere temperatures over the last millennium by assimilating a highly-sensitive, curated tree-ring network.

Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum

We reconstruct surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum using data assimilation.